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Clan Whiteford History
The surname Whiteford, also seen as Whitefoord and Whitford, is of territorial origin, taken from the Whitefoord lands on the Cart river roughly three miles north of Paisley in Renfrewshire.
According to Crawfurd’s book, History of Renfrewshire, Alexander Stewart, 4th High Steward of Scotland, granted the first Whitefoord of that Ilk lands for his service at the 1263 Battle of Largs, however this is up for some debate. However, in the same year, a charter by Alexander III was witnessed by a Walter Whitefoord.
A writ was sent to the sheriff of Lanark in 1296 to restore his lands to John de Wheteford.
In 1413, a notarial instrument was witnessed by Johannes de Quhetfurd dominus ejusdem, and another Johannes Quhitefurd was given remission for his part in the burning of Dunbertane in 1489.
In 1489/90, Robert Quhytfurd was recorded as having been cellarer of Crossarguel, and he is the same person as the Robert de Quintford, or Quintfurt, who, in 1491, was elected as abbot.
In the will of Egidia Blair, Lady Row, a John Whytefurd is mentioned, in 1530.
In 1553, John Quhitefurde of that Ilk was recorded as being a witness, and five years later, in 1558, John Quhitefurde of Myltoune was charged with abiding the raid of Laurder.
The principal line of this family ended sometime around 1668 with the death of Sir John of that Ilk.
Variations of the surname which have been recorded include Quhitefuird, Quhitfurde, Quhytfuird, Quheitfurd, Quhytfurde, Quhytefurd, Quhytefurde, and Quhytfurd.
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